Art: Edmund Dulac's Fairy Book: Fairy Tales of the Allied Nations - the color plates

The Story of the Bird Feng - A Chinese Fairy Tale

I do love the subtitle of this book, "Fairy Tales of the Allied Nations". I also love that this collection is varied and contains a lot of lesser known tales, even, it would seem, for the time (1916).
The Fire Bird - A Russian Fairy Tale
The Fire Bird (second plate - see above plate for link to tale)
Urashima Taro - A Japanese Fairy Tale
The Green Serpent - A French Fairy Tale
The Friar and the Boy - An English Fairy Tale
The Blue Bird - A French Fairy Tale
The Hind of the Wood - A French Fairy Tale
These are just the full page color plates for the titles but they're worthy of showcasing on their own. If you don't know the tales, I've provided links below each so you can go catch up on some lovely reading.
Ivan and the Chestnut Horse - A Russian Fairy Tale
Seven Conquerers of the Queen of the Mississippi - A Belgian Fairy Tale
The Serpent Prince - An Italian Fairy Tale

Bashtchelik (Or, Real Steel) - A Serbian Fairy Tale

Bashtchelik (Or, Real Steel) - A Serbian Fairy Tale (second color plate - tale link on plate above)

One fairy tale in this book I can't find a color plate for is: The Queen of the Many Colored Bedchamber (an Irish Fairy Tale) and I haven't been able to find any other illustrations by anyone else for this tale either, but I'll keep looking.


White Caroline and Black Caroline - A Flemish Fairy Tale

The Buried Moon - An English Fairy Tale

Snegorotchka - A Russian Fairy Tale
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